viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my study programme

 Hello people, in this post I am going to write about changes to my study programme.

This is a theme that is very important , we all need to talk about the defects of the programme of our university. But I can't be mean and I have to recognize that there are some good things like the prestige that you earn when you finish the studies, the good laboral opportunities that we will obtein. The university of Chile is very well seen, for some people this is the best university of the country.

One of the most important things that I think is this university does not care about the mental health of the students. Three or more test in one week, long days, test at 6:30 to 8:30 are some of the  big problems that this faculty have, I know that it is the university, but I think the things could be better.

And for me an other very important problems are the holidays, at the beginning of the year we only had february with holidays, we had classes in january, with virtual classes and presential test.

About the infrastructure of this faculty I have a more divided opinion, I think that we have a very good laborotories but this is obviously because we study chemistry, but about the classrooms, these do not have the enought capacity for all the students like "Aula Magna".

Well I hope some of that things change.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Post4: A time travel

 Hello people, in this post I am going to write about time travels. Future or past? Mmmmmmmmmmh
I think I prefer the past, I don't like the theme of the future and I think travel to the past is more interesting than travel to the future, because in the past there were a lot of historical events like the prehistoric times, the imperium times, colonial times, revolution times,etc.
If I had to  travel to one of the historical events, I would choose the time of the Egypt civilization.
Traveling to this time would allow me to know a very rich culture as the Egyptian is.
This travel to the past  will be more than 3000 years ago, a lot of time.
I would like to travel to the Egypt civilization but as a spectator or as a "third person" because living in those times was very difficult considering the unfair society.
In this travel I would know more of the religion of this civilization, of the differents gods that they had.
Also I would know the most famous thing of this civilization, the pyramids.
How they were built? These is a great question.
There are many things behind the construction of this monument and I would like to know them.

This would be a great travel to the past, but I would not stay here.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My dream job

 Hi people, in this post I am going to write about my "dream job"....

But I am not really sure about what is my dream job, but I have an idea. Well I am studyng chemistry and pharmacy, but this is not my dream job.

This last time I have been thinking what would have happened if I entered to my second option, the career of agronomy. The things would be very different, but I think I would  have  had a great future in this area.

Agronomy is a type of science which is responsable of the creation of the food, plants and others through the agriculture.

About the skills I should know about many areas like biology, chemistry, ecology, genetic, meteorology in  addition to knowing about the technology.

The theme of the salary would not be a problem, but for what I heard it is very different depending on the time of the year, there are moments in which the productions of some crops could be favored.

But if I really worked in this area, I would like to be my own boss, I would like to have my own grounds where I could work and manage that.

Years ago my dad said to me that we could have a ground and work together in this, but I choose to study chemestry and pharmacy jajajaja

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

Post 2: Concert

 Hello people, in this post I am going to talk about a concert that will be in march of the next year, the concert is of the chilean band " Los bunkers".

This concert is not going to be the first of my life, because I went to others, but it were of bands that I am not a massive fan.

This band is one of my favorites. Also it is going to be very special because "Los Bunkers" will meet again after many years. The tickets sell out in few days, even it need a new date.

This is going to be in the venue stadium of Santa Laura, in the city of Independencia.

The ticket that I bought is on the pitch, then I am not going to be near the stage, I will have to arrive early to get a good location.

The songs that I most hope they sing are "Nada nuevo bajo el Sol", "Bailando solo" and "Si estas pensando mal de mi"

I am really expectant of this concert, I am sure it will be a special day!

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A country that I would like to visit

 Hi everyone, in this post I am going to write about a country that I would like to visit, Italy.

One of the reasons that I would like to visit this country is for the history.  In addition Italy is a country with a lot of  places to visit such as: the Tower of Pisa, the Roman Coliseum, Pompeya, etc.

 Also the theme of the Roman empire is something that I like. I am a fan of series like Spartacus , which  shows the rebellion of the gladiators. 

Something I always imagine is taking a "gondola" in the channel of Venice, I know that the prices of this tour must be high, but it is something that I would love.

 Besides of this, another very important reason to visit Italy is the gastronomy. We all know the  food of this country, but I think that eating a pizza there must be something amazing. 

Going to Italy is an experience that I really hope to live!!!

Post 5: Changes to my study programme

 Hello people, in this post I am going to write about changes to my study programme. This is a theme that is very important , we all need to...