sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Post4: A time travel

 Hello people, in this post I am going to write about time travels. Future or past? Mmmmmmmmmmh
I think I prefer the past, I don't like the theme of the future and I think travel to the past is more interesting than travel to the future, because in the past there were a lot of historical events like the prehistoric times, the imperium times, colonial times, revolution times,etc.
If I had to  travel to one of the historical events, I would choose the time of the Egypt civilization.
Traveling to this time would allow me to know a very rich culture as the Egyptian is.
This travel to the past  will be more than 3000 years ago, a lot of time.
I would like to travel to the Egypt civilization but as a spectator or as a "third person" because living in those times was very difficult considering the unfair society.
In this travel I would know more of the religion of this civilization, of the differents gods that they had.
Also I would know the most famous thing of this civilization, the pyramids.
How they were built? These is a great question.
There are many things behind the construction of this monument and I would like to know them.

This would be a great travel to the past, but I would not stay here.

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Post 5: Changes to my study programme

 Hello people, in this post I am going to write about changes to my study programme. This is a theme that is very important , we all need to...